Mind game

I wrote  my 5th chapter in my own room today! horay!! Wow! Just can’t believe it. Still. hehe. I would say it is 80% done. :-). Because for the past few weeks I have been struggling to find a place to focus on my writing. Mimpi apa ntah bangun2 jek bole terus buat kerja. Maybe I have gained the spirits back. Alhamdulillah. Allah heard my prayers and many prayers from others who loves me. Thank you so much. Untuk yang diketahui atau sesiapa yang tidak diketahui:-)

So, here is the thing. As I am progressing towards finishing my work, I keep thinking and saying to myself that I can finish this today. Hoho! Seriously, if I really focus and put my heart and my mind into it, I am sure I can submit this chapter by tomorrow morning. It is all in your mind babe. Mind game. Psycho yourself. When you keep saying it is hard, you cannot do this, that is all bullshit. You just keep playing around with excuses. So that you cannot be blame when something bad happen or you cannot finish your work on time. Well, the process is hard and painful but as I said before, I can do this. (it is just that I need couple of hours to dig into those journals articles! Ouch!:p)

Hari ni puasa ganti, so lepas buka puasa tadi melepek semacam. Hoho! Mencari alasan untuk berehat sambil menonton online series. Dah tak boleh nak fokus sebab keletihan puasa yek? Mengada-ngada! Get your ass off and get your work done! Remember, it is all in your mind! dah 3 jam dah melagha ni. Desperate housewives pun dah abis 3 episode dah. hehe

nota kaki: terkejut tgk tarikh hari ni dah 15 June. kejapnya masa berlalu. dan makin cepat jugak la dateline aku. huhuhu!

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